- 8 Twisty Mystery Games On PC

- 8 Twisty Mystery Games On PC

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- Top 10 Best Free Mystery Detective Games Online Ever! 


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  Download Detective Games - Best Software & Apps · L.A. Noire · CSI: Hard Evidence · The Wolf Among Us · Kane and Lynch: Dead Men · Fingered · Spot The Difference - 5. Broken Sword; The Wolf Among Us; The Vanishing of Ethan Carter; Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments; Discworld Noir; Grim Fandango; L.A.    


Crime investigation games for pc free -


There are few things more enjoyable in a work of fiction than a good mystery. Those impossible crimes that make the gears in your brain churn. Inexplicable murders, mysterious disappearances, and perplexing riddles. And while reading or watching such stories in novels, TV shows, or movies is a lot of fun, games let you go one step further and take part in the investigation yourself, experiencing the satisfaction of cracking a case first-hand. The following games are the best examples of virtual sleuthing that you can play on PC today.

The story mirrors the film a little too closely, but McCoy does a lot more detecting than Deckard. Much of the game is spent scouring the city for clues and interrogating suspects, and the atmosphere is absolutely incredible, perfectly capturing the dark, melancholy mood of the movie.

The city is an elaborate film set for a variety of compelling interactive cases, from brutal serial murders to stolen cars and arson. Richly atmospheric and absolutely enthralling. It's mostly a game about talking to people, leaning on them for clues, and opening up new lines of investigation to edge closer to the truth—which actually makes it a truer detective game than most.

And the shadowy city of Ankh-Morpork is incredibly atmospheric. Why not. There's some neat detective stuff here, like making you actually draw conclusions from the evidence you collect, rather than the game just picking out the relevant information for you automatically. The clock is constantly ticking as you play, and missing certain events can close off leads, making the case unsolvable.

Frustrating, but it brings a real sense of urgency to your investigation as you hunt for clues with a deadline forever looming. Murphy, a booze-soaked PI down on his luck, suddenly finds himself on the wrong side of a doomsday cult. Its combination of 3D environments and live-action FMV is extremely s.

In a rainy Blade Runner-inspired urban setting, it follows cop Azriel Odin as he searches for his missing brother. And eventually his story becomes entwined with another, very different playable character. This is another entry that isn't strictly a detective game, but has the feel of one.

This unique freeform structure, combined with understated and believable police interview clips, makes it a bold narrative experiment. And piecing together the story really makes you feel like a detective.

This is the devilish premise of Overboard, a superb interactive fiction game from Inkle, the studio behind 80 Days. Cleverly, it's a detective game in reverse. Rather than solving a murder, you're covering one up, and helping Veronica get away with the crime is incredibly satisfying.

It's a spiralling conspiratorial thriller, and throws in enough twists and surprises to keep things interesting. Set in an abandoned American town in the s, you play as a journalist investigating a series of murders, and you really have to use your mind, intuitively piecing clues together, to get any kind of resolution out of it.

These troubled souls are complete strangers to you, their lives a total mystery. But by the end of the game you'll know them intimately, and will have uncovered a series of shocking truths about their lives. It's a series of short first-person vignettes, stitched together with snappy TV-style editing.

The game is completely linear, often to a fault, but the compelling way the mystery unravels and the strength of the characters makes up for it—and all without a single line of dialogue. This garish and hilarious simulated internet, inspired by the golden age of the web, is hiding all kinds of illegal content, and you really have to work to find the offending material, infiltrating hacker collectives, locating hidden pages, and cracking passwords.

You play as Francis McQueen, and along with sidekick and foil Dooley, you solve cases with a hidden supernatural element, like a goofier X-Files. FTL composer Ben Prunty also provides an excellent, atmospheric soundtrack. You have limited time to solve a variety of mysteries on the train, including the brutal death of a passenger—who also happens to be your friend.

The time element can be stressful at first, but it's worth persevering with. A very different take on the detective genre, and brutally, punishingly difficult thanks to its real-time structure. You play as an ex-cop in a wheelchair who witnesses a murder and takes it upon himself to crack the case. It's a compelling mystery, and teaches you a little something about the history and politics of post-Franco Spain in the process.

You can revisit the exact moment of a person's death, and through these vignettes you piece together their name, how they died, and who or what was responsible. This is an immensely satisfying detective game because it trusts you to solve each mystery yourself with no hand-holding.

I know, it doesn't sound like a detective game, but it really is. Follow clues to find new plants, closely examine flowers, leaves, stems, petals, and bulbs to identify them, and grow your shop's collection. There's a big, mystical mystery at the heart of Strange Horticulture, but just the small act of finding a new plant and figuring out what it is and what it does is supremely satisfying.

You explore a vivid and deeply strange tropical island at your own pace, pick up clues in any order, and create links to solve a brutal mass murder. This makes exploring extremely rewarding, and a single piece of evidence can completely change your perception of the case. It's a classic point-and-click game, but with some light RPG elements, such as choosing from one of three backgrounds for your character. The shadowy streets of New York make for an evocative setting, and the game mixes the magical and the mundane brilliantly.

It's incredibly janky, but depending on who you ask, that's all part of its charm. The severed head of a girl on the doorstep of Bigby Wolf triggers its mystery. But like any good noir story, The Wolf Among Us can't be solved. The finale satisfyingly resolves the plot, but there is no right choice, and there is no winning. It borrows some of Holmes' excellent investigation and deduction systems, but adds a supernatural, cosmic horror twist. It's not entirely successful, let down by poor writing and tedious combat.

But there's some great detecting in here, and the urban setting is wonderfully gloomy and atmospheric. He even has the gruff voice and weary manner of a film noir detective. Solving murders, rooting out corruption, and exposing liars are just a few of the dick-like activities he indulges in. Take away all the fantasy stuff and some quests are just straight-up detective mysteries. Your fatally hungover detective peels himself off the carpet and begins the laborious process of piecing his broken mind back together, while simultaneously attempting to solve a gruesome murder and untangle an elaborate conspiracy.

Gorgeous art, superb writing, and an inky black sense of humour make Disco Elysium a true modern classic. Knight is investigating a series of voodoo-related murders. Broken Sword weaves real-world history with a gripping tale of cults and conspiracy.

It's a globe-trotting adventure, whisking you away to memorable locations including a Syrian marketplace to a Irish country pub, and its balance of mystery and humour is pitch perfect. A former member of his synagogue has been murdered under mysterious circumstances, and he takes it upon himself to find out why. Make sure you play the enhanced Kosher Edition.

It has a great mystery with lots of fun twists and turns, Grimoire and Sally make a perfect detective duo, and the art is gorgeous.

The light-hearted tone and absorbing mystery make this a real pleasure to play. A body is found lying under a bridge on the edge of town, but none of the locals seem to know anything about it, or even who the victim is. It strikes a delicate balance between giving you clues and making you do the legwork, which makes solving a tricky puzzle enormously satisfying.

You play as an investigator who can use augmentations to help her solve a string of mysterious murders—including the ability to sense when someone is lying or knows more about something then they're letting on.

The story is great, the world is well realised, and the high-tech detecting is a lot of fun. A bizarre curio with some really interesting ideas. It has fun with the time travel premise too, like freaking out medieval peasants with your cell phone.

The opening scene where you cover up a murder scene as one character, then investigate it later as a homicide detective, is a highlight. A confused mess of a game, but one with a few standout moments. Also features a soundtrack by Angelo 'Twin Peaks' Badalamenti. These demons force people to commit terrible crimes, including murder, which is where the detective bit comes in.

It's over too quickly, but this is a fun detective game with some cool ideas, like witness and suspect testimonies being presented as an interactive timeline.

Trapped in the school, the only way to escape is to kill another student and get away with it. Pin the crime on the wrong person, everyone dies. You spend much of your time outside of the courtroom snooping around crime scenes for clues, interrogating people, and constructing a case. And once you've pieced everything together, taking your evidence into court and assaulting the suspect with the cold, hard facts is a thrill.

It features sharply dressed characters, garbage ex-husbands, prickly detectives, glitzy award shows, and cute robots. It's fun, flashy, and has decent puzzles.

Think Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, but with more murder and a lot more maths. As well as searching crime scenes for clues, you can also journey inside people's dreams. Some of the humour is a little crass, but the moody atmosphere, vivid art direction, and twisting story makes this worth investigating.

It features a vibrant, funny script, incredible character designs and animation, unpredictable cases, and hectic courtroom battles. You also hang out with 'Herlock Sholmes', a bumbling detective who isn't as clever as he thinks he is.

Set in Paris in the s, you must gather clues, build a defense, then present it in court. But, interestingly, it's possible to fail horribly and have a case thrown out, which adds some enjoyable and occasionally stressful peril to the game's tight, fun trials. He loves sci-fi, adventure games, taking screenshots, Twin Peaks, weird sims, Alien: Isolation, and anything with a good story. Andy Kelly. See comments.


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